Like LG, Samsung is ready to flaunt its first-ever curved smartphone to the public. Similar to LG’s curved-display handset, Sammy’s latest reveal suggests that a curved smartphone is not totally flexible as some parts are still hard and lacks flexibility associated with curved form factors. A prototype has shown signs of oversized screens and some enhancements indisplay notifications.
The company‘s CEO has also announced the return of OLED panel and its production in curve-shape form. The ease in flexibility is what differentiates this unnamed device from the other smartphones with curved design. The curve factor will supposedly bring convenience to buyers in terms of holding the phone and tinkering with its multitude of apps. The time frame could hit next month initially in Korea. A prototype has been shown already early in the year during the CES event. The expected announcement of a curved smartphone will coincide with the continued marketing endeavors on the latest Galaxy Note 3.
It has been rumored to contain a new camera sensor and this is presumably at the back of the phone. No price is initially given but with the Fall just around the corner, the company is gearing up for a possible release in time for the holidays. Samsung had earlier reveal its curved UHD TV model during the IFA show.
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