Google Play Music which used to be an Android-only app is now available in iPhone through the App Store but that’s six months after the announcement of its desktop and Android integration was made. The app allows users to choose and play music from among the 20,000 titles available. It also offers a one-month trial in which users can avail of the streaming feature with 20 million titles to choose from.
The songs can be shared with others or with friends and users can even create a playlist to keep things in orderly fashion. The paid monthly streaming service costs $9.99 monthly which comes after the trial period. It can also play songs or hear radio stations while having a built-in feature that recommends music to a user. The free upload limit of 20,000 is obviously not possible with the iPhone because of memory size restriction but availing of the iOS cloud service could be a great help. Google’s Music is also based in the Cloud which allows users to access the service in any device with a browser and as long as it connects to the internet.
However, a user is allowed up to 5 devices only to access the songs stored in the cloud. It is said to be similar to the services offered by Amazon and Spotify and differs considerably from that of Apple. iPhone’s storage limitation depends on the model (16GB or 32GB) but downloaded songs that cannot be stored can be transferred to the Cloud in real-time.
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