Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sony Thinks Only 1% Of All Playstation 4 Have Problems

After releasing its next-gen console PlayStation 4 in the wild, Sony is now facing some issues from a number of buyers pertaining to the continuous flashing of a blue light whenever the console is powered on. Others report the same blue light turning white and not being able to connect to a TV or failing to activate the audio and video functionalities of the console.
However, Sony is confident that only a fraction of one percent of the PS4 buyers, initially estimated to be a million of them during the first 24 hours of release, is affected by the glitch and a set of guidelines has already been provided them to bring the console back to life. The causes of the glitch include a possible loose connection of the hard drive, software incompatibility with the TV, or just a slight defect in the power supply.
Sony believes that 0.4 percent of the consoles are affected and that it is something out of the ordinary as shipping and handling could have contributed to the flaw. That translates to at least 10,000 consoles being considered defective upon start but owners are always provided with means to help them resuscitate the console or ask for a replacement by virtue of the warranty inside. After all, customers are always rights.

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