Thursday, November 28, 2013

PS4 Games Price Cut on Europe at £55, Still Expensive

PS4-bound games will have a price cutback before the next-gen console hits the EU shores but this appliesonly to those sold on PSN. The price adjustment for the region was made possible with the activation of the European version of the PlayStation Network (PSN) which begins its rollout in less than 48 hours.
Game developer, EA is selling Battlefield 4 and FIFA 14 for £63 apiece – which is equivalent to $103. The same games are sold for £55 ($90) on Microsoft’s Xbox One. The price for these games were lowered by £3 according to reports though still high compare to Xbox One.
Sony has hinted that everything about its PSN (European) is still temporary but preorders are continuing anyway. Those who have pre-ordered at standard prices are sure to get a refund once the prices drop. The price adjustments will continue until the PS4 launches in Europe this Friday, November 29 which means that the company is still looking at a possible lowering of prices of some, if not most, of Sony-PSN games.
It is a big relief for existing and prospective owners who have already expressed their disbelief about high price of popular titles such as NBA Live and Assassin’s Creed 4. Ubisoft has explained that the price differential is due to the unique pricing matrices utilized by both Microsoft and Sony. Meanwhile, gamers who bought digital PS4 games shall be refunded of the difference in case the price is lowered before launch.

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