Friday, November 29, 2013

The Waiting Time For Playstation 5 Release Will Be Shorter Than PS4

As Sony’s PlayStation 4 is readying its army of consoles for the UK release, the question about a console’s life cycle has cropped up online. Microsoft is said to have answered the query with the 10-year figure for the Xbox One but Sony expects a lower figure for its PS4 console. Sony believes that the fast changing technology and the gamers’ penchant for new iterations contribute to the lowering of the console’s life cycle.
We couldn’t tell if Microsoft shares the same sentiment perhaps because it’s too early to tell or that the festive mood associated with next-gen consoles’ release does not augur well for discussing life-cycles of different consoles. Sony seems to be banking on gamers’ actual use of the console and the period of time required for them to get bored of the console.
Newer technology could also spell a difference about the lifecycle and it is always possible for both Microsoft and Sony to change plans and released new consoles before the new technology passed out. On the part of Sony, this means that the future PlayStation 5 could come out earlier than expected so that waiting time is reduced and playing time is shortened for new titles as they need to be ported again to the new console before the gameplay is resumed.

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