Sunday, November 3, 2013

Official List of PS4 Games Revealed, Still Smaller Than Xbox One

The official outing of PlayStation 4 looks to be more promising for all gamers out there. On Day One, Sony has officially confirmed that 22 games titles both download-only and retail will accompany the PS4 outing and these include five indie-developed games twelve from  third party providers and those that are considered first-party, five in all. The list includes ten that are playable in PS4 and Xbox One.
In contrast, the Xbox One will be having 23 titles on its launch date. Common titles for both consoles include the Angry Birds: Star Wars but there is no stopping Sony from including titles not on the list intended for the North Americans such as Flow and Escape Plan. Titles of Sony Computer Entertainment origin include Resogun, Flower, Sound Shapes, Knack and Killzone Shadow Fall. Indie Titles include Warframe, Contrast, Tiny BrainsPinball Arcade and Super Motherload. However, additional titles may be added to later as soon as the Sony has negotiated with the developers in the coming days prior to the official release.
Games can be purchase through retailers or by downloading them from the PlayStation Store. PS4 does not have backward compatibility and therefore it cannot play games designed for PS3, PS2 or even Psone. In some instances, it can accommodate a transfer of contents bought at PlayStation Store through PS3 or PS Vita consoles.

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