Qualcomm’s high-end Snapdragon 800 processor would probably have a successor that will cater to Ultra High Definition devices. The forthcoming quad-core Snapdragon 805 Ultra HD processor aims to power up mobile devices to support highest quality mobile video, 4K graphics experience and digital imaging. While details are still hazy regarding its release, reports have mentioned that the next-gen mobile chip will be released on devices by first half of 2014.
Qualcomm’s latest chip will utilize Adreno 420 GPU to handle high-resolution graphics that is said to boost graphics abilities of devices by up to 40%, according to Qualcomm. In the future, mobile devices will be capable of Ultra HD video playback, like having your own pocket home theater while on the move. Applications and mobile gaming will never be the same if 4K technology will be utilized. As such, manufacturers are notably developing mobile devices supporting 4K resolution and Qualcomm obviously wants to be on top of it all.
In addition, the Snapdragon 805 will have a quad-core Krait 450 processor clocking at 2.5GHz per core with 25.6 GB/second bandwidth support to provide superior multimedia and web browsing performance.In addition, it features 28nm Gobi MDM9x25 modem to allow cross-carrier LTE support achieving up to 150Mbps speeds. The mobile chip maker is aware that streaming 4K contents would need faster connectivity, and thus, the Snapdragon 805 integrated with leading Gobi LTE modems and RF transceivers seem to be the perfect UHD solutions for electronics manufacturers.
More details about this SoC will be revealed before the end of this year. Production is expected to start in early 2014.
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